Faculty of Political Science and Administration

Faculty Study Offer - undergraduate studies

UNDERGRADUATE STUDIES (full-time studies):

Political Science

The aim of the study is to prepare specialists who will undertake work in public institutions, international organizations, governmental and local administration, offices, non-governmental organizations, as well as in the media and political marketing agencies.

The studies offer comprehensive education in politics and public life. Based on the latest state of knowledge, they will provide their participants with an in-depth understanding of political and social processes concerning Poland, Europe and the world.

Political science studies also enable students to obtain competence in one of two modules to choose from:         

  1. Social leader
  2. Local policy

The essence of the course is to ensure that its Graduates not only perfectly understand the complex social and political reality, but also have specific skills to shape it.

Innovation and public sphere management

The aim of the study is to prepare practitioners competent in creating innovative solutions and public sphere management who will take up work in public institutions, marketing agencies as a management team also in business. Studies in this field give the opportunity to gain comprehensive knowledge and skills in the field of creating, implementing and disseminating innovative solutions in the private, business and, above all, public sphere. They will enable students to acquire competences in modern marketing communication. In addition, they will prepare for the implementation of basic management functions in organizations.

Studies in the field of Innovation and Public Sphere Management also enable students to obtain competences in one of the four modules to choose from:     

  1. Creating the brand of the state and public institutions
  2. Urban development and image management
  3. Promotion of the rural community brand
  4. Office manager

The essence of the course is to ensure that its graduates gain competences, allowing them to initiate changes effectively and to plan and organize activities independently and efficiently in all dimensions of the public sphere, as well as in business.

National Security

The aim of the study is to prepare reliable and effective professionals in the field of state security and public order who will obtain professional competences enabling them to take up work in state and local administration, uniformed services and crisis management staffs. The studies will ensure the acquisition of specialist qualifications in team management, risk assessment and security logistics.

Studies in the field of National Security also enable students to obtain competences in one of three modules to choose from:

  1. Ecological security
  2. Economic security
  3. Social security

The essence of studies in the field of National Security is the comprehensive preparation of specialists with theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of shaping security as well as military and non-military threats occurring in the modern world, which is a big advantage on the labor market.